SDG Blog 1
The Sustainable development Goal i chose to talk about is gender equality. Gender equality is described as a "fundamental human right and a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world" (United nations, 2015). SDG states that although there has been some improvement in gender equality within the last decade there are still many challenges such as discriminatory laws and social norms. Women continue to be undervalued and mistreated even when there are laws that support the equality of Women. This SDG emphasized how beneficial the equal treatment of women will be for society. Goal 5 aims to "eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women... and to undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources and access to ownership of property."
I chose India as my first country because "discrimination against women and girls is a pervasive and long-running phenomenon that characterizes Indian society at every level" (Achieving, 2016). In India there is a culturally ingrained preference for sons because of the dowry system. The dowry system is a payment from the bride to the groom's family at the time of marriage. Because the dowry system is a substantial part of a household's income it results in dowry related violence and a preference for sons since the grooms family collects the money. This creates the mistreatment of girls the lack of motivation for parents to invest in their daughters health and education. Women are seen as inferior which put them at risk in the Indian society and within their marital households.

How does climate change affect Women in India?
Women in India play a key role in managing natural resources in their households and "are responsible for 70% of water related chores" (N.R., 2019). Even though Women make up 65% of the agricultural workforces and are vulnerable to the threats of climate change, they are left out of the conversation. Women are also more likely to notice the climate change and its impacts on agricultural productivity and water availability but are less likely to receive key information on climate change and agricultural information that could allow them to plan for climate issues. Between climate change and women's risk for abuse, financial difficulties due to crop failure can lead to domestic violence against women. This happens because men want to sell crops their wives have grown without including them in the decision making.
How is the Indian Government targeting goal 5?
As far as education India is on track to achieving equality and will be focusing on confronting the challenge of violence against women. The Indian government recognized ending violence against women as a "key national priority which resonates with the Sustainable development target of the united Nations on gender equally" (SDG 5, 2016). The government is making it a priority to eliminate discrimination and violence against women, eliminate harmful practices such as forced early marriage, and recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work. They are also going to ensure women's participation for leadership, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health, and undertake reforms to give women equal rights. If the Indian government continues to adopt these new ideals and strengthen their policies for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women they will achieve SDG goal 5.
Achieving Gender Equality in India: What Works, and What Doesn’t - United Nations University. (2016). Unu.Edu.
Martin. (2015). United Nations: Gender equality and women’s empowerment. United Nations Sustainable Development.
Raj, N. R., Anita. (2019, July 1). Women May Be More Vulnerable To Climate Change But Data Absent |. Www.Indiaspend.Com.
SDG 5: Gender Equality. (2016). UN India.
Ore, A particular topic that you mentioned that I would like to place emphasis is the role that women play in being able to identify the factors of climate change as it relates to water availability, however not being equipped with the proper information and awareness on ways that they are able to combat climate change on a local level. Education for home carers (who in under developed countries such as India are predominately women) is vital for Sustainable Development Goals on a global level. Gender equality has proven to be more than simply advocating for equal opportunities for woman in the workplace, and educational setting. Gender equality play a vital role in the longevity and wellness in our environment on a global scale. Your report on the issues pertaining to Gender issues as they relate to global environmental wellness were insightful!