
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog 3

SUDAN Sudan is considered the fastest growing economy in the world yet they are so behind when it comes to gender equality. Although they are behind the government is striving to end violence against women and make their voices heard. Sudan is currently the 17th fastest growing economy in the world and women political involvement has increases by 25% due to provisions within the Interim National Constitution and the elections Act of 2008.  Violence Against Sudanese Women Violence against Women and Girls is regarded as a "prevalent and critical hindering for human development and peace building in Sudan" (United Nations p. 4). Women in Sudan face extreme danger everyday and there are no laws in place to protect them or consequences for those who harm them. Sudanese women are also more affected by various conflicts across the country but are not involved in leadership and participation talks that could make a positive change in their lives. To combat this issue sudanese women a...

Blog 2

  Gender Equality In the Democratic Republic Of The Congo The Democratic republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second largest country in Africa but also one of the poorest. The DRC has a population of 67.8 million people, which contain 51% women with 70% of the population living below the poverty line. Women currently inhabit only 7.2% of positions of high level in parliament and government. 52% of Congolese women have also survived domestic violence and 39% have reported being threatened or injured.  Women in Congo are often victims of harmful traditional practices like early marriage, teenage pregnancies, and exceptions of girls' roles in the house hold" (Bridging the Gap, 2020 p. 3). Very few Congolese women have access to good jobs and women and girls in general have less access to education than men and boys. These factors contribute to the lack of sensitivity to gender issues and a proper system to address the issues of sexual abuse. Which also leads to unwanted pregnancies...

SDG Blog 1

The Sustainable development Goal i chose to talk about is gender equality. Gender equality is described as a "fundamental human right and a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world" (United nations, 2015).  SDG states that although there has been some improvement in gender equality within the last decade there are still many challenges such as discriminatory laws and social norms. Women continue to be undervalued and mistreated even when there are laws that support the equality of Women. This SDG emphasized how beneficial the equal treatment of women will be for society. Goal 5 aims to "eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women... and to undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources and access to ownership of property." I chose India as my first country because " discrimination against women and girls is a pervasive and long-running phenomenon that characterizes Indian society at every lev...